Dr. Phil Zuckerman (born June 1969,26), is a professor of sociology and secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. He specializes in the sociology of secularity. He has been a guest professor, at the University of Aarhus, Denmark for several years
in the case of educating «Secularization in Scandinavia». He is the author of several books, including Society Without God (2008) for which he won Foreword Magazine›s silver book of the year award, and Faith No More (2011). Lina Gets A Mango shows his talents
and skills to communicate to a wide range of society through which not only students and experts, but also children know him.

Lina Get a Mango is a mystery that starts out mysteriously. We learn a collection of details of Lina’s life- her walk to school, the animals in her life, and the people that she interacts with on a regular basis. The story brings the reader on a journey through a small village, looking intimately at relationships. Towards the end of the book, Phil ties the characters and mystery together in a creative and educational way. The story teaches children that you cannot make assumptions about people based on their behaviors, that there are subtexts that have yet to unravel and surface. The enchanting illustrations bring the book to life and stretch the boundaries of images children typically see, with a cat who has wheels to assist its mobility and a man who stretches societal gender norms by wearing earrings.
-Dr. Lauren P. Wadsworth
Societies are moving towards multiculturalism with extraordinary speed. Multiculturalism is important because it dilutes and dissipates the divisiveness of ignorance. Voodoolily educates children of Tolerance culture that is the key element for peace in cosmopolitan societies. Please find our recently published books, in Norwegian and English, below.
Audio Added
Voodoolily gives the opportunity for struggling readers with learning differences such as Dyslexia to achieve in school, and in life. Our audio books enable readers to easily absorb content.
Engaging content
By adding a digital game inside the book, we let the children, not just the read and watch their favorite characters, but also interact with them!
Teaching about respect and tolerance in diverse communities, improve children knowledge about Democracy, getting knowledge based on rational thinking is embedded in our books
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